Navya T.V 1, Rosemol Poulose2, Deepu C.B3
Corresponding Author:
1Assistant Professor, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India,Mail id:
Co Authors:
2Assistant Professor, SME College of Physiotherapy, Angamaly, Ernakulam, Kerala, India 3Associate Professor, SME College of Physiotherapy, Angamaly, Ernakulam, Kerala, India


Background of the study:  Football has developed into a very popular. Frequency of injury rate in amateur soccer player is higher, contact with another player is the most common one followed by distortion and turning/twisting, almost 30% of traumatic injuries were associated with foul play and comparing players from all levels (including top level) while low-level players had lower exposure to soccer, they were more prone to get injured. Objectives of the Study were to find the effectiveness of plyometric training on lower limb flexibility in non–professional male football players. Also was to study the effectiveness of plyometric training on leg explosiveness in non –professional male football players and to study the effectiveness of plyometric training on dynamic balance in non –professional male football players. 

Methodology:  Sixty subjects who fulfill the inclusion criteria is selected. Then the subjects have been divided into 2groups. Group A and Group B of 30 subjects each where Group A is control group and Group B is the experimental group, subjects were blinded in the study. Prior consent form will be obtained. On the first day pre test was conducted using sit and reach test to measure lower limb flexibility, standing broad jump test for leg explosiveness and star excursion balance test to determine dynamic balance for each group. Then post test score is obtained after 3months from each group.

Results: There was a significant difference inflexibility (t=2.904), leg explosiveness (t=2.406) and SEBT right leg stance for anterior (t=4.098), anterior–lateral (t=2.981),anterior–medial (t=3.358), medial (t=2.634), posterior(t=2.741), posterior – lateral (t=2.452), posterior – lateral (t=2.952) and lateral (t=4.978),SEBT left leg stance for anterior(t=4.828), anterior – lateral(t=4.040),anterior –medial (t=2.827), medial (t=4.487), posterior(t=2.924), posterior –lateral(t=2.157), posterior –medial (t=2.093) and lateral(t=3.327) between control and experimental group with level of significance p≤0.05.

Conclusion:  The study concluded that plyometric training helps in improving lower limb flexibility, leg explosiveness and dynamic balance in non-professional male football players. Conclusion:  After analyzing the study it can be concluded that plyometric training helps in improving lower limb flexibility, leg explosiveness and dynamic balance in non -professional football players.  

Keywords: Plyometric Training, Lower limb flexibility, Leg explosiveness, Dynamic balance.
Received on 07th  February  2025; Revised on 18th   February 2025; Accepted on 28th February 2025, DOI:10.36678/IJMAES.2025.V11I01.013  

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