S.Suman1, P. Karthikeyan2, S.Moulishankar3,  S.Sridhar4, G. Raaja5*, G.S. Aathithiah6, M.Vetriselvan7, Joemon8, R.Pachiyappan9,  B. Devendran10
1Managing Director, Vijayani Nutraceuticals Pvt Ltd, 2Director, Vijayani Nutraceuticals Pvt Ltd, 3Director, Vijayani Nutraceuticals Pvt Lt, 4  Principal Research Investigator, Ashram Siddha Research Institute, 5Medical Officer, Vijayani Nutraceuticals Pvt Ltd, 6Medical Officer, Vijayani Nutraceuticals Pvt Ltd, 7General Manager, Vijayani Nutraceuticals Pvt Ltd, 8Manufacturing Incharge, Vijayani Nutraceuticals Pvt Ltd, 9Product Development, Oriens Global Marketing Pvt Ltd, 10 Pharmacologist, Vijayani Nutraceuticals Pvt Ltd

Corresponding Author:
*Dr. G. Raaja, Medical Officer, Vijayani Nutraceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Email ID:


Introduction: Respiratory disorders such as Kaasa (productive cough), Swaasa (expiratory wheezing), and Swara bheda (hoarseness of voice) significantly impact quality of life, often leading to discomfort and reduced lung function. Conventional treatments, including bronchodilators and corticosteroids, provide symptomatic relief but may have long-term side effects. Ayurvedic medicine offers a natural and holistic approach to respiratory health. The present study clinically validates Naturovita Capsule, a proprietary Ayurvedic formulation, for its efficacy in managing respiratory conditions and enhancing immunity. Objective: The primary objective of this Phase-II-A, single-center, open-label, therapeutic exploratory clinical trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of Naturovita Capsule in alleviating respiratory symptoms and promoting lung health.

Methods: A total of 20 patients with respiratory ailments were enrolled following ethical clearance. Each patient received 1-2 capsules twice daily with lukewarm water for 30 days. Clinical and laboratory assessments were conducted on Day 1 (Baseline) and Day 30 (End of Trial) by qualified AYUSH doctors. Symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, and nausea were monitored throughout the study.

Results: After 30 days of treatment, 75% (15 patients) exhibited very good improvement, 15% (3 patients) showed moderate improvement, and 10% (2 patients) had mild improvement. No severe adverse effects were reported, indicating Naturovita Capsule is effective and safe for respiratory health.

Conclusion: This study confirms that Naturovita Capsule is a potent Ayurvedic intervention for respiratory disorders, significantly reducing symptoms and enhancing lung function and immunity. Further large-scale trials are recommended for broader validation.

Keywords: Respiratory disorders, Swaasa, Swara bheda, Naturovita Capsule
Received on 29th January 2025; Revised on 18th   February 2025; Accepted on 28th February 2025, DOI:10.36678/IJMAES.2025.V11I01.005

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