Citra Puspa Juwita1*, James WH Manik2, Sandra Kezia Oktaviani Panjaitan3, Liswanto Dwi Saputra4
Corresponding Author:
*Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, Email:

Co Authors:
1,2,3,4 Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia  


Background: Decreased muscle flexibility that occurs with age is one of the symptoms of the aging process that causes muscle cramps in certain conditions. This study aims to assess the incidence of muscle cramps.

Methods: This study is a descriptive quantitative study that describes the condition of the incidence of muscle cramps. The population was the pre-elderly and elderly population in one sub-district, with a sample of 52 people selected by accidental.  Interview data collection by researchers was conducted directly, questionnaire about experience of muscle cramps.

Results: Almost all subjects had experienced muscle cramps (96.2%), which occurred mostly at night (77%). The body parts that experience muscle cramps in one subject can be in one part or two parts or 3 parts of the body, where the most felt muscle cramps in the calves (52.8%). A total of 82.7% of subjects experienced muscle cramps when they were not active.

Conclusion:  Muscle cramps in the elderly are common during rest, especially at night, which mostly occur in the calf muscles. This study is useful to be able to determine intervention programs during services to the elderly and pre-elderly.

 Keywords: Elderly population, Muscle flexibility, Muscle cramps

Received on 18th  February  2025; Revised on 24th   February 2025; Accepted on  28th February 2025,DOI:10.36678/IJMAES.2025.V11I01.017

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