Rosemol Poulose1, Navya T.V2, Divya J. Pawani3
 Corresponding Author:
1Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy,  CPAS, School of Medical Education, Angamaly, Kerala, India Mail id:

Co Authors:
2Assistant Professor, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
3Associate Professor, RVS College of Physiotherapy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


Background of the study:  Adhesive capsulitis is a common musculoskeletal disorder of shoulder joint caused by inflammation and adhesion formation in the capsule and synovium leading to pain, stiffness, and limited function of the glenohumeral joint. Adhesive capsulitis is often more prevalent in women, individuals 40-65 years old, and in the diabetic population, with an occurrence rate of approximately 2-5% in the general population, and 10-20% of the diabetic population. Objective of the study is to find out the effectiveness of scapular PNF technique   in the management of pain and dynamic stability among the adhesive capsulitis patients.

Methodology: Twenty clinically diagnosed adhesive capsulitis subjects were selected for the study that fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were divided into two groups. Group A- Scapular proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques along with Conventional Physiotherapy (IFT) Group B –   Conventional physiotherapy (IFT) with exercises, Prior consent form will be obtained. , On the first day pr test will be conducted  Subjects of both the group were assessed for pain on Numerical Pain Rating scale and Dynamic  Scapular  stability by using Lateral scapular slide test. Then post test score is obtained after 4 weeks from each group.

Result: The calculated ‘t’ value is 3.83 and the‘t’ table value is 2.878 at 0.005 level of significance. It shows that there is significant difference between scapular PNF techniques along with IFT and conventional physiotherapy with exercises in the management of pain among subjects with adhesive capsulitis.

Conclusion: concluded that scapular PNF techniques along with Conventional Physiotherapy is more effective than conventional physiotherapy with exercises  in improving Dynamic scapular stability and reduction of pain in subjects with adhesive capsulitis.  

Keywords: Adhesive capsulitis, Musculoskeletal disorder, Shoulder joint, Inflammation
Received on 12th  February 2025; Revised on 18th  February 2025; Accepted on 28th February 2025, DOI:10.36678/IJMAES.2025.V11I01.015

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