
K. Kamatchi, S. Balaji, Binita Maria James, Ritheeka.V, Asmath Fathima K.A


2Physiotherapist, Balaji physiotherapy clinic and rehabilitation center, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

3,4,5BPT Intern, Faculty of physiotherapy, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute, Deemed to be University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Corresponding Author: 1Assistant professor, Faculty of physiotherapy, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute, Deemed to be University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Background of study: Obesity refers to a condition of having excessive amount of body fat. The WHO has described obesity as one of today’s most neglected public health problem, affecting every region of the country. The intra-abdominal fat carries a greater health risk than that stored elsewhere in the body. The study was attempted to compare the effectiveness of Swiss ball and Thera band exercise on abdominal girth and quality of life of obesity children. The objective of the study is to find the effectiveness of Swiss ball and Thera band exercise on abdominal girth and quality of life of obesity children.

Methodology: This study is an experimental type design, comparative pre-post type. 30 children with obesity were selected and randomly divided into two groups. Children aged 8-12 and whose BMI values were 30-34.9 kg/m², children who had not continued a diet program for 3 months were included in the study. The children with any psychological conditions, or any other weight reduction plan, who cannot do exercise, above 12 and below 8 aged children were excluded in the study. The waist circumference, waist hip ratio and the pediatric   quality of life inventory (Peds QL) was used as outcome measures. The study duration was up to 12 weeks.
Result: Group A Swiss ball exercises showed marked improved than the Group B TheraBand exercises.

Conclusion. The result of this study showed an improvement in reduction of abdominal girth of obese children.

Keyword: Obese child; Waist circumference; Hip -waist ratio; The pediatric quality of life inventory

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