
Weeke Budhyanti*1, Lisnaini2


2Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

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*1Physiotherapy Program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Email id:


Background: Child development measured by their body height and weight, to projected to their predicted growth. We may find profile of national children growth, but rarely find the profile of the growth increments. This study conducted to find the nutritional status of children in Kebon Pala, Jakarta.

Methods:  This study is a quantitative descriptive research that used a quantitative approach to measure children body height, body weight, and their increments 3 months after initial assessment. The data compared with WHO growth standard to classify the nutritional status.

Results: 17.14% boy and 12.5% girl were short, 11.42% boys and 17.5% were tall, 17% boys and 23% were underweight, 11% boys and 10% were overweight, 43.75% boys and 85.71% girls wasted their height, 75% girls and 43.75% boys wasted their weight.

Conclusion: Prevalence of under nutrition not significantly higher than over nutrition, and prevalence of wasted happen from failure to gain weight and height.

Keywords: Child; Growth; Development; Body Mass Index

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