
Madan Mohan.M.R1, Manjunatha.H2, J.Ramesh Kumar3

1MPT Graduate, Goutham College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
2Professor and Principal, East Point College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, Karnataka, India  
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3Associate Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, Bangalore, Karnataka, India Mail Id:
Background and Objectives: Bells palsy is an idiopathic facial paralysis of acute onset mostly attributed to a non-suppurative inflammation of facial nerve within the stylo-mastoid foramen. There are many unresolved views regarding the therapeutic approaches in the treatment of Bell’s palsy. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of structured facial re-education program over the conventional treatment program in reducing the facial impairments in patients with Bell’s palsy.

Methods: Out of 20 subjects of Bells palsy, 10 were administered with electrical stimulation and 10 with Structured facial re-education program; once daily for 4 weeks. Analysis was based on the Facial Grading System scores before and after the treatment (On 1st and 30th day).

Results: The patients who received electrical stimulation showed a significant mean improvement in FGS scores of 17.853 at P<0.05when compared to the conventional therapy group.

Conclusion: Both Structured facial Re-education and Conventional treatment programs were found to be effective in treating Bell’s palsy; however patients the improvement seen in the structured facial re-education group was greater in terms of facial symmetry and facial impairments.  

Keywords:  Idiopathic Bells palsy; Facial Grading systems; Structured facial re-education; Conventional treatment.

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