
S. M. Divya Mary1, P.Priyadharshini 2

2BPT Internee, Faculty of physiotherapy, Dr. MGR. Educational and research institute University, Velappanchavadi, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
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1Assistant professor, Faculty of physiotherapy, Dr.MGR Educational and research institute University, Velappanchavadi, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
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Background of the Study: The objective of the study to determine the effect of resistance exercise versus diet supplements on iron deficiency anemia in girls. Anemia is a decreased hemoglobin level and red blood cells. Iron deficiency anemia is a common nutritional disorder affecting 30% of the adolescent. Nowadays most of the teenage girls are prone to IDA and 10 million cases are reported per year in India. Resistance exercise improves the muscle strength and it also enhances the demand of oxygen level, the underlying mechanism RBCs mainly comes from the bone marrow and it stimulates the erythropoiesis along with hyperplasia in hemopoietic bone marrow. Diets supplements are higher dosage of iron content are essential. The iron rich foods such as dried fruits, whole grains, ragi, spinach, soya beans, and sunflower seeds can be prescribed.

Methodology: The experimental study was conducted in ACS Medical College and hospital, Medical Department.30 Subjects will be selected by convenient sampling method and dividing into two groups randomly. The subjects were treated 3 sessions per week for about 3 months. Girls with age of 16-25 years and hemoglobin level 6-11g/dl was been included systemic illness, congenital anomalies, recent surgeries were excluded. Hemoglobintest were the outcome measure in the study.

Results: On comparing Pre-test and Post-test within Group A & Group B on hemoglobin level shows highly significant difference in Mean values at P ≤ 0.001.

Conclusion: This study concludes that the resistance exercise along with diet supplement had considerable effect in improving the hemoglobin concentration among the subject with IDA. However, the resistance exercise along with diet group was considered to be more effective than the diet supplements alone.

Keywords: Resistance exercise; Diet supplements; Teenage girls; Lack of interest.

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