Jibi Paul1, S.Pavithra2
1Professor, Faculty of Physiotherapy, DR. MGR. Educational and Research Institute, Deemed to be University, A.C.S. Medical College and Hospital Campus, Chennai, India
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2BPT  Graduate, Faculty of Physiotherapy, DR. MGR. Educational and Research Institute, Deemed to be University, A.C.S. Medical College and Hospital Campus, Chennai, India
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Background of the Study: Frozen Shoulder is also known as the Adhesive Capsulitis is a condition characterized by the stiffness and pain in the Shoulder joint. As a Physiotherapist we deal with these patients to improve their range of motion (Abduction and External Rotation) and reduce the stiffness and pain. Objective of the study is to find the comparative effects between the Laser Therapy and Manual Mobilization with Conventional Therapy on function in Frozen Shoulder.

Methodology: This is an experimental study of comparative type.  Total 30 subjects were selected for this study based on selection criteria. Each group was allocated with 15 samples, divided by random sampling method. Study was carried out at Physiotherapy department, A.C.S Medical College and Hospital, Chennai for duration of 4 weeks. Subjects with the age group between 40-60 years with stiffness and decreased ROM in the shoulder joint were selected for this study. Group A received laser and conventional therapy. Group B received manual mobilization and conventional therapy. VAS, SPADI and Goniometer were used as an outcome measurement tools. Study duration was 4 weeks and the intervention duration was 20 minutes per day for 3 days in a week.

Result: Group A with laser therapy found more effective than Group B manual therapy with mean difference of 49.67 and 13.40 respectively on abduction ROM and shoulder function. Pain reduced more in Group B than Group A with mean difference of 3.533 and 3.200 respectively.

Conclusion: The study concluded that Laser therapy and conventional therapy are effective in the improvement of pain and but manual therapy is more effective on improvement of shoulder range of motion.

Keywords: Frozen Shoulder; Adhesive Capsulitis; Laser Therapy; Manual Mobilization; Goniometer; VAS; SPADI.

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