Background and purpose: Neck pain is a communal problem in the computer professionals. Among 59% of WRMSDs (work related musculoskeletal disorder) reported annually in India 30% cases are of neck pain. It is already proven that swiss ball training and pressure biofeedback training are effective for reducing pain, improving muscle strength, and mobility other than conventional exercises. Till now no study had done to compare the effectiveness of swiss ball training v/s pressure biofeedback training on pain, mobility and functional disability in nonspecific neck pain for computer professionals. Objectives of the study: To compare the effects of Swiss ball training v/s pressure biofeedback training on neck pain neck, mobility and functional disability.
Methods: 30 subjects fulfilling the inclusion criteria were divided into two equal groups. Group A underwent swiss ball neck exercises and Group B underwent pressure biofeedback training. Both groups were given chin tuck exercise, ultrasound and ergonomic advises. Interventions were conducted over 6 weeks, three sessions per week, sessions of 20-30 minutes. Outcomes were measured before and after the treatment.
Result: pre-post-test within the group found effective in both groups. However, pressure biofeedback training group shows greater improvement than Swiss ball training group in computer professionals with nonspecific neck pain.
Conclusion: This study concluded that both exercise program are effective in improving pain, mobility and functional ability but pressure biofeedback training was more effective among computer professionals with nonspecific neck pain.
Keywords: Computer professionals; nonspecific neck pain; pressure biofeedback training; Swiss ball exercise; pain; mobility; functional disability