Background Low back pain (LBP) has been recognized as a common condition that affects public health in adults and adolescents. Low back pain is one of the commonest musculoskeletal problems in modern society and most highly prevalent. In India nearly 60% of the population has significant low back pain at some point in life. Objective of the study were to compare the effects of pilates and conventional core stabilization exercise with moist hot pack in low back pain.
Methods: 30 subjects with age group 18-25 were participated in this study. Subjects were divided in to two equal groups with 15 samples in each group. Group A performed the hundred, side bend, Swan rising pilate and Group B quadruped exercise, curl ups, Supine bridge. Both group performed the exercises for four(4) weeks. Outcome was messured before and after the treatment.
Result: Pre-post-test within both groups found significantely effective on reducing pain and improves functional status but Group-B with conventional core stabilization showed better improvement in reduction in pain than Group-A with the pilates exercise.
Conclusion: Conventional core stabilization exercises with moist hot pack can be used for better pain relief and faster recovery in low back pain as it helps in better recruitment of the diaphragm as a core muscles.
Keywords: Pilates,conventional core stabilization, moist hot pack ,low back pain.