Aims and objectives of the study: The aim of this study was to establish an effective scoring method for evaluation of functional outcomes and to measure the changes in functional ability among Parkinson patients. Objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of outcome measurement of Goal Attainment Scaling in Parkinson patients with gait abnormalities and also to establish a standardized method to detect the changes in function of the patients.
Methodology: The design of the study was a prospective quasi experimental study. This study conducted for three months in a home based physiotherapy care for Parkinson’s patients with gait abnormalities. Twenty Parkinson patients were participated in this study. The therapeutic goals of individual were established in consultation with the patients and their care givers. The weightage for the importance of each goal was determined and entered into a tabulator and baseline GAS scores calculated along with Dynamic Gait index scores and Timed Up and Go Scores. At the appointed review date the levels achieved was determined by the patients and the team.
Results: The Goal Attainment Scores for the patients before and after treatment for 3 months were statistically analysed with TUG and DGI scores and they showed a significant improvement in their functional status, which is evident from the unpaired t test with p value 0.0001.
Conclusion: The study reinforced the importance of Goal Attainment Scaling as a versatile tool to be used to evaluate the changes in function as rehabilitation of Parkinson patients in addition to providing a quantitative measure of the service outcomes.
Keywords: Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS), Parkinson diseases, Dynamic Gait index scores, Timed Up and Go Scores.