

Objectives: Given the severe and chronic problems associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and the limitations of available treatments for hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention, there exists a large public health need for additional interventions. In Avazzia BESTTM (Bio-Electric Stimulation Technology) device, one of the modes has “alpha waves” frequency (7-12 Hz). The beginning of relaxation occurs during this wave length.

Materials and methods: In the study, 4 special school children age 5-12 years with autism were selected. They were given watermelon procedure on an “Alpha” setting (in Pro- SportTM) once daily for a period of 6 weeks. Hyperactivity/impulsivity subscale of the Conner’s’ Parent/Teachers Ratings Scale and ATEC were used prior to beginning of treatment and at the end of six- week period.

Results: After 6 weeks of treatment, the children showed no statistically significant improvements in target symptoms, but mild improvement was noted in their ATEC scores. Parents and teachers both reported mild improvements in restlessness and impulsivity, emotional liability, and hyperactivity.

Conclusion: The children with autism have many problems, so parents and teachers feel that any small improvement is worth it. With a small improvement, they are more manageable in the classroom, and able to benefit from other psychosocial and educational interventions.

Keywords: Autism, Alpha Waves, Pro-SportTM, Hyperactivity


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